Kevin and Amber: Europe 2006

We are two high school English teacher who have recently become engaged. This is our first trip to Europe and we are both very excited. Kevin is most looking forward to the British Library (and the US World Cup game) and will miss Qdoba the most while he is gone. Amber is looking forward to the Globe Theatre and will miss ice in her drinks.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This is Kevin. We are waiting right now in Frankfort for my parents to drive us up to the Cincy Airport that is actually in KY. Never could figure that out. Amber had a very emotional goodbye with Snickers and Gus (the cats). I think I may have to search her luggage to be sure she isn't trying to sneak them on the plane. I don't feel any better about the upcoming plane flight, but I am holding out hope that we will see some cool movies. Personally, I am hoping for an uplifting sports movie that will help unite us. If, for some reason, they start showing episodes of "Lost" I will officially freak out on someone. Seriously.


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