Kevin and Amber: Europe 2006

We are two high school English teacher who have recently become engaged. This is our first trip to Europe and we are both very excited. Kevin is most looking forward to the British Library (and the US World Cup game) and will miss Qdoba the most while he is gone. Amber is looking forward to the Globe Theatre and will miss ice in her drinks.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Final Leg.

It's Kevin. I am sitting here in the lobby of a London hotel near the airport, completely pooped. It was a long couple of plane rides back to London, at least they seemed long, as we all had a very late night and an early morning. Oh well, at least it was fun.

I have gotten a couple of emails about "the boys" not caring about food and letting Amber starve. Trust me, as I have told Amber on several occassions, when she is hungry the person who suffers the most is me. Anyway, we have been eating a local specialty, the 3 im weggler (sp?) it seems like everytime we turn around. We all got food pretty quickly after the blog posting, so don't worry. And the German food is great.

Germany was a lot of fun. It had a nice small town feel, even though one of the biggest events in the world was taking place. A lot like Stratford. And I already miss it, since I was quickly reminded I was back in England when I hit my head on the cab door. I swear to God, I have no idea how Peter Crouch (an England soccer player who is 6'7") survives in this country. Although I appreciate having a TV station in English that is not MTV or the ring-tone channel.

There are a lot more stories to tell, and even more that won't be, at least here on a public blog. I mean, come on people, my mom reads this! But I am tired, and hungry, so the stories will have to wait. I cannot wait to see KY!


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